Sunday, 5 April 2009

Half a year has gone by.

Jett turned 6 months about a week ago. He is such a sweet, beautiful boy. He is strong, hitting his milestones on time or early, very busy and inquisitive and just a joy.

He is in the 75 percentile for height (27.5 inches), 50-75 for weight (18.5 lbs), but most importantly he is growing at a nice, steady rate. He loves to eat, sleep, babble, laugh, play, take baths, be outside, and watch his big brother. He gets a huge smile on his face whenever he sees him and is enthralled by everything he does. The only things Jett doesn’t really like are peas (but we have to try again), not being able to fall asleep when he’s tired and sitting. He rather stand and jump or be on his belly and try to crawl or scoot around. He also sometimes likes to be on his back and grab his toes. Not much bothers him at all. He has recently started saying “dadadaddadadadadadadada” and there’s an occasional “mamamamama” in there too. He has a little munchkin voice. I thought he was getting teeth (been thinking that for about a month already), but apparently I have no clue. The doctor doesn’t see any on their way and said his gums are not red or swollen. I guess Jett just likes to drool and chew on his fingers for fun. Why not, they are quite yummy looking in my opinion too.

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